Cosmetic Surgery Q&A: Mr Baljit Dheansa

In this Consultant Q&A video, Mr Baljit Dheansa, a Consultant Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon, delves into three key topics within his field of expertise

He begins by breaking down the different types of facelifts. He also addresses the different types of rhinoplasty, and how the procedure can focus on three different areas of the nose based on each patient’s unique concerns.  

He concludes by explaining what makes someone an ideal candidate for abdominoplasty (tummy tuck), and how factors like pregnancy, weight loss, or abdominal muscle separation come into play. 

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Q1. What are the different types of facelift?

A. There are different types of facelift surgery that we perform at The McIndoe Centre. It really depends on what kind of changes, someone's noticed.  

Often as we age, we notice that there's loosening of the skin and the deeper tissues, and that often forms jowls, descent of the cheek tissues, loosening of skin around the eyes, as well as loose skin around the neck. If you are mostly concerned about jowls, then a lower face lift may make a significant difference, whereas if you've noticed loose tissue around the eyes and the cheeks as well as the jowls, then a full facelift or a deep plain facelift may be very useful. If you've noticed early changes, then a mini facelift, which can be performed under local anaesthetic as a day case, may be the right thing for you. All of these can be combined with a neck lift if there's skin changes and looseness of the neck skin. 

Q2. What are the different types of rhinoplasty?

A. There are various types of rhinoplasty and these focus primarily on three different areas within the nose, the bridge of the nose, the tip of the nose, and the septum, which is the cartilage that separates the two sides of the nose. With all of these operations they can either be combined or dealt with separately, depending on the individual's concerns. With the bridge of the nose, the bones are reset, with the tip of the nose, the cartilages are reshaped or reduced, and with the septum, the septum is straightened and made more symmetrical so that you have a better profile and forward-looking shape. 

Q3. Who is the ideal candidate for an abdominoplasty (tummy tuck)?

A. The ideal candidate for an abdominoplasty or tummy tuck is someone who's noticed loose skin on their abdomen and separation of the central abdominal muscles, this is often after pregnancy or weight loss. And to get the best possible result, one often needs to be at a stable long-term weight and be in generally fit condition.  

Most often, a tummy tuck involves re-draping all the skin on the abdomen and removing the excess, while at the same time bringing the muscles closer together in a small number of cases. If the excess is just below the belly button, then a mini tummy tuck may be all that's required. 

Baljit is a UK trained Consultant Plastic Surgeon having graduated from King’s College School of Medicine in 1990. He has been a consultant since 2003 and has over 28 years of experience in the field of plastic, reconstructive and cosmetic surgery.

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Mini Facelift at The McIndoe Centre

As we begin to age, our skin becomes weathered and the signs of ageing uncomfortably visible. Facelift surgery, clinically known as rhytidectomy, is a procedure that helps to rejuvenate your face and restore your youthful appearance by tightening the skin and removing sagging.

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